Monday, March 2, 2015

The Great Emoti Con

Speaker: Pastor Steven furtick
Title: The Great Emoti Con
Core Verse: John 15:11

You can't endure what you cannot enjoy

If what you believe in God, doesn't affect your life, do you really believe in God.?

Happiness is not a destination its a path and its linked to the bible.

Proverbs 4:19-23

Guard Your Heart.

We should start guarding our attitudes and minds.

every decision is based on our emotions.

Our feelings can affect our faith or our faith can affect our feelings.
But we cant seperate our feelings from our faith.

Celebrities would pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to protect their security. But when they Go online and start to read negative comments from critics and haters, they have already forfeited what ever they had spent, because they let them get in their heart.
Sometimes when we start to over think and start to think about, our downfalls and our imperfections, "why are we so stupid or why are we so ugly, why do i not make enough money?" Its because we have let our guard down and we let the thoughts into our hearts.

Keep your Guard Up.
The heart controls our desires our thoughts and our attitudes.

don't believe everything you think, guard your heart. listen to God.
Matthew 15:11

What we say will affects how we feel.

Own our Emotions.

When we say, "He's making me so mad" We are not taking ownership of our temper.
instead why dont we say, "I got angry, I lost it! I let what they say dominate my day"

We choose to go where our emotions lead us to. It's not about how people affect us, its about how we let our emotions accept it and get affected.

The things that people do to you or say to you may not be right or just, but its your choice to own your emotions and to not let you emotions control you.

We cant guard what we dont own, thats why its so important to own our emotions.
Wehn we dont own it, we are keeping ourselves in a prison, and letting others hold the key to our joy.

We do it in our lives all the time, we let others control the state of our minds.

Your joy. Is your job.

God doesn't want us to learn how to not be in a bad mood all the time, he wants to teach us how to swing the other way when it strikes at us.

David owned his emotions.
Psalm 42:11

When David owned emotions and he tells his emotions and his soul to still trust God and praise him.

Change our concentration.

When peter broke his concentration, then only he started sinking, because his circumstance didn't change, he concentration did.
When you let life disturb your concentration, your soul will sink.
Proverbs 4:25

We cant always control what life gives you, you cant control bad circumstances and discouragements. But you can change the concentration.
We need more of
God's joy in our life.

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