Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cheer Up, Check Up

Speaker: Steven furtick
Title: Cheer up, check up
Core verse:

Tharseo - take comfort, take courage, take heart. Be of Good Cheer.

Bad cheer- Something that only makes you feel good for awhile.
Deuteronomy 4:5

Acts 24:7

Can you have a good cheer in a bad circumstance?

A good cheer is not circumstantial.

Its hard to put into practice what we help others with.

sometimes we just take any cheer that comes to us, but its really destroying us internally.
God already overcame what we are trying to over come.

Matthew 9:2

God tells us Tharseo only in bad circumstances because he wants us to know that he is there.
Pain causes us to lose our perspectives.

Referral pain is pain that is somewhere else on the body instead of the main place/problem area.

1) Check our countenance
what is our default/ resting face?

If you're happy and you know it TELL YOUR FACE.

Try tricking your emotions by smiling at the face of despair
Numbers 6:24-26

If God's face is shining on you, you would reflect it to the world.If we are the Sons and Daughters of Christ, we must express it like he does.

Children will always reflect their parents, Attitudes, facial expressions etc.

The way you look at life is the direct reflection of the way you think God is looking at you.

We become, what we Behold.
2 Corinthians 4:6
Let God continue to reflect on us.

2)Check your circulation
Proverbs 15:13

The world's definition of Happiness is what flows TO your heart
The Godly definition is Happiness flows FROM your heart.

A Dead church is not a SMALL church but a church that has lost it's circulation when people stop coming, and there's no new life.

Give what we need and Get what we need.

We need to have movement to continue our blood flow.

3) Check your connection

It's not the medicine that God gives us that's bad, its our connection.

Sometimes we have to check our connection, whats weighing us down?
Just like how our blood travels through our body every 60 seconds, to keep us alive and strong, to repair our bodies where healing is needed, and to give us life, Our walk with God is also produced the same way, if our connect  is weak, the blood/ God's blessings won't reach to its full potential and we will lose our walk with God.

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