Saturday, June 6, 2015

Developing Prothetic Worship Culture

Speaker: Dan McCollam
Title: Developing Prothetic Worship Culture

John 4

Worship revival came down when the object of our Worship (Jesus) Came to earth.
We have to worship in spirit and in truth.

Worship culture is not only meant for the Church, but it is also for the people outside the church.

If we only sing in the church, we are going to only touch the church. We have to start to touching the world.

Practice by writing/Composing songs.
Not only worship songs, but worldly songs, Songs about love, holiday songs, worldly songs.
Go down a nearby cafe and look around, and compile a playlist that can uplift and compliment that cafe.
Doing these will not only improve you musically, but also to train us to connect worship to worldly music, a step forward to connecting the lost to Jesus.

Ephesians 4

Worship can change the atmosphere.

Everyone has a specific grace in our lives; Every grace has a place in worship.

2 Corinthians 12

Teaching grace: Making sure that every learns the word of God through the worship.

Pastoral grace: Making sure that everyone is connected; gathering the people.

Evangelistic grace: Having that need, to always find the problems and struggles in others lives and pray over them.

Apostolistic grace: Wanting to impact the world.

Prophetic Grace: Strong connection to worship to God, Easily lost in their own worship.

Lifegroup (Cell Group) Is where the miracles happen.

There is a place for everybody in the Kingdom of God.

We have to be authentic in our worship.

God is not looking for Worship, he’s looking for Worshippers.

There’s 2 types of Worship: Spiritual and Prophetic.

Spiritual: Overflow of OUR Hearts, Soul and Mind to God.
Prophetic: Overflow of HIS Heart, Soul and Mind to us.

3 Things we can use in worship:

1) Wordless melodies: Only using “Ohs, Ahs and Mmmms” to praise God, there is a certain power, especially when done in a group.

2) Sing with understanding: Say words we know during worship to praise God. Note: We have to say words that are in the key content of the worship song itself, we can’t sidetrack from the worship song, because the song is always connected to the teaching, which is also connected to the Leader/Pastor.

3) Sing with an unknown language:Basically singing in tongues. A good practise is to sing in tongues and then try to decypher what we are saying in our unknown language to God.

Get content from the holy spirit whilst having worship.
Practise connecting songs into our own songs.
E.g. Our God, is an awesome God he reigns….. Our God is an awesome God, (Then add our own worship song to the lord):  Our God is  awesome, our God is a majestic God, our God is amazing, Our God is an awesome God.

Another difference is that, Prophetic singing, is meant to be judge and evaluated, because it's for God’s people, it's a message to be shared. And Spiritual singing is a singing and getting a personal message from God for ourselves.

When we sing scriptures instead of reading them, we are 8x More likely to remember them, and that gives an amazing boost to our Spiritual lives.

Spontaneous Prophetic words from God, nothing rehearsed or practised, just sudden words you hear from the lord and you just sing out during worship.

Instrumental Prophesy: Playing a certain set of chords, riffs, licks etc to God, It may be based on, Joy, Peace, Warfare etc.\

1 Chronicles 25:1
Learn to craft a song around the word that was preached.
Take notes and make songs, catchy phrases, Powerful words/Sentences that were preached.

Isaiah 42 :6-10

Idea: Make a song out of your favourite verse.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Beating Burnout

Speaker: Steven Furtick
Title: Beating burnout
Core verse: Exodus 27:20-21

The more fired up we are, the bigger the flame we have, the passion the strength that brings us through, if we overuse it, it can actually tire us more than we imagine and burn us out.

Simply said, "Burnout is when the demands placed on you, exceeds the resources available to you."

Signs of burn out can include:

 Chronic exhaustion, even when you're sleeping or resting , you feel tired.

lack of motivation, you're doing what you love, but you're not loving what you do.

frustration over things that you could fix, but you're so frustrated that you don't fix them.

Broken focus, wavering concentration.

Unnecessary conflict, just getting angry at the people near you.

Wrong priorities

The tabernacle was also called, The Place Of promised presence.

God meant for us to light and ignite our own fire, its not the pastors nor our mentors nor anyone's job. its our responsibility to start our fire.

Matthew 6:22-23

In exodus, the people of God would seek god in the tents because of the promised presence, but after Jesus had died and rose, in Matthew it says that now, we are the tents, we are people of promised presence.

Our hearts are our lamps.
If our light goes out, its very hard to locate Gods presence.

1)Right light

We sometimes spend too much time in the wrong light.

Things start to scared us or depress us because we are living too much in the shadows.

If your eyes see the situation wrong in the darkness, you will think God's presence is no longer in the tent, but in actual fact, we let the lights go out.

We will never be in a situation where have limited resources because God lives in us and he has unlimited resources. But if the lights go out, we will never be able to find the unlimited power that lives in us that has never left us and will never leave us.

2 Corinthians 4:6

2) Essential Oils

Leviticus 24:2

The light is only going to be as good as the fuel you use to start it.
We need oil in our lamps that can last, not oil that can burnout.

3) Pressing Thoughts
Philippians 4:8

The quality of your joy, cannot exceed the purity  of your thoughts.

It does matter how we think, how we process out thoughts and what we put into our hearts

There are 2 ways to press olives:

#1 is to crush it through a mill, where oil will come out, but its unpure oil. And when you put it into a lamp, it wont last long, life is as such. We can let our life run on auto pilot, just run through life, accept negative thoughts and such.

#2 is to press olives with your hand, its a much much more longer process, but the oil is also so much better, the oil would be brighter and last longer.

2 Corinthians 4:8
Whats precious in us must be pressed out.

When the olives are pressed, they had to strain it through a basket, so that by doing this, the purest of oil will be released, in the same way, we have to strain the negativity in our lives and catch only the pure oil.

4 Things we should press out of our lives

1) Misinterpretation
sometimes we cant find the joy in our lives is because we misinterpret the situations in our lives.

If we really believe that God i for us, we shouldn't be scared of anyone against us.

2) Over-generalization
Making a single situation revolve around your whole life like that certain situation that only happened once, happened many times.

3) Obligation
Thinking that we got to, rather than we get to, looking at things as something that we are force to do, rather than something we get to do as a privilege.

4) Disqualification
When you remove yourself from things or people because you think that you are not worthy or tou dont deserve it.

(Those 4 points together spells: M.O.O.D.)

We cant have lasting light with pure oil, and we cant have pure oil without, pressed olives.

Isaiah 61:1-3

Joy sometimes doesn't come in a downpour, it sometimes comes in a drip, and we have to be there to catch it.

Sermon link:

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Cheer Up, Check Up

Speaker: Steven furtick
Title: Cheer up, check up
Core verse:

Tharseo - take comfort, take courage, take heart. Be of Good Cheer.

Bad cheer- Something that only makes you feel good for awhile.
Deuteronomy 4:5

Acts 24:7

Can you have a good cheer in a bad circumstance?

A good cheer is not circumstantial.

Its hard to put into practice what we help others with.

sometimes we just take any cheer that comes to us, but its really destroying us internally.
God already overcame what we are trying to over come.

Matthew 9:2

God tells us Tharseo only in bad circumstances because he wants us to know that he is there.
Pain causes us to lose our perspectives.

Referral pain is pain that is somewhere else on the body instead of the main place/problem area.

1) Check our countenance
what is our default/ resting face?

If you're happy and you know it TELL YOUR FACE.

Try tricking your emotions by smiling at the face of despair
Numbers 6:24-26

If God's face is shining on you, you would reflect it to the world.If we are the Sons and Daughters of Christ, we must express it like he does.

Children will always reflect their parents, Attitudes, facial expressions etc.

The way you look at life is the direct reflection of the way you think God is looking at you.

We become, what we Behold.
2 Corinthians 4:6
Let God continue to reflect on us.

2)Check your circulation
Proverbs 15:13

The world's definition of Happiness is what flows TO your heart
The Godly definition is Happiness flows FROM your heart.

A Dead church is not a SMALL church but a church that has lost it's circulation when people stop coming, and there's no new life.

Give what we need and Get what we need.

We need to have movement to continue our blood flow.

3) Check your connection

It's not the medicine that God gives us that's bad, its our connection.

Sometimes we have to check our connection, whats weighing us down?
Just like how our blood travels through our body every 60 seconds, to keep us alive and strong, to repair our bodies where healing is needed, and to give us life, Our walk with God is also produced the same way, if our connect  is weak, the blood/ God's blessings won't reach to its full potential and we will lose our walk with God.

Sermon Link:

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Orchid and the Oak tree

Speaker: Holly Furtick
Title: The orchid and the Oak Tree
Core verse: Jeremiah 17:7-8

How do we bear fruits in a harsh environment?

5 Tips to near fruits in a harsh environment:
1) Yes you're complex, but you don't have to be complicated.
2) No you're not perfect but you can still be poised
3) Life brings chaos but you can keep your calm
4)High stress does not equal to High drama
5) We are all in a fight, and we have to fortify ourselves

- A complicated person is unpredictable and inconsistent

- A complicated person is controlled by his/her emotions.

An oak tree can flourish in any condition.

are we an orchid or an oak tree?

Poise is not perfection, its strength under pressure.

Rather than just throwing around your emotions, why not bring it to God first, bring your hurt, your pain, your disappointment to him.

its okay to share about yout problems, but we should confide and give it to God first and he will place people in your life to talk to you.

when frustration comes your way, will you be able to handle it in a healthy way?

Proverbs 31:11-12

being poised does not mean your life will be perfect and that everything will go your way, it just means that you will learn how to endure and overcome any obstacle that comes your way in a healthy manner.

Learn to be calm in the chaos.

Philippians 4:5-7

Hebrews 12:12-13
Get a grip, or don't do it.

There are times in our lives when we have to prepare ourselves extra, so that we are prepared for whats coming next.

Review our actual situation.
Remain Grateful.
Regard others more important than myself.
Request to God first.
Remember the faithfulness of God
Repeat the Word of God
Rejoice in the Lord.

sometimes a small change makes a big impact.

Sermon link:

Monday, March 2, 2015

The Great Emoti Con

Speaker: Pastor Steven furtick
Title: The Great Emoti Con
Core Verse: John 15:11

You can't endure what you cannot enjoy

If what you believe in God, doesn't affect your life, do you really believe in God.?

Happiness is not a destination its a path and its linked to the bible.

Proverbs 4:19-23

Guard Your Heart.

We should start guarding our attitudes and minds.

every decision is based on our emotions.

Our feelings can affect our faith or our faith can affect our feelings.
But we cant seperate our feelings from our faith.

Celebrities would pay hundreds and thousands of dollars to protect their security. But when they Go online and start to read negative comments from critics and haters, they have already forfeited what ever they had spent, because they let them get in their heart.
Sometimes when we start to over think and start to think about, our downfalls and our imperfections, "why are we so stupid or why are we so ugly, why do i not make enough money?" Its because we have let our guard down and we let the thoughts into our hearts.

Keep your Guard Up.
The heart controls our desires our thoughts and our attitudes.

don't believe everything you think, guard your heart. listen to God.
Matthew 15:11

What we say will affects how we feel.

Own our Emotions.

When we say, "He's making me so mad" We are not taking ownership of our temper.
instead why dont we say, "I got angry, I lost it! I let what they say dominate my day"

We choose to go where our emotions lead us to. It's not about how people affect us, its about how we let our emotions accept it and get affected.

The things that people do to you or say to you may not be right or just, but its your choice to own your emotions and to not let you emotions control you.

We cant guard what we dont own, thats why its so important to own our emotions.
Wehn we dont own it, we are keeping ourselves in a prison, and letting others hold the key to our joy.

We do it in our lives all the time, we let others control the state of our minds.

Your joy. Is your job.

God doesn't want us to learn how to not be in a bad mood all the time, he wants to teach us how to swing the other way when it strikes at us.

David owned his emotions.
Psalm 42:11

When David owned emotions and he tells his emotions and his soul to still trust God and praise him.

Change our concentration.

When peter broke his concentration, then only he started sinking, because his circumstance didn't change, he concentration did.
When you let life disturb your concentration, your soul will sink.
Proverbs 4:25

We cant always control what life gives you, you cant control bad circumstances and discouragements. But you can change the concentration.
We need more of
God's joy in our life.

Sermon link :