Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"That Thing"

Speaker: Pastor Steven Furtick
Title: That Thing
Core Verse: Mark 9:14-29

Mark 2:2 the transfiguration
jesus on the mountain, and moses on the mountain(in Exodus) is linked.

Jesus and Moses both on the moutain waited 6 days.
Jesus and Moses both came down a mess.
Moses broke the two tablets, whilst Jesus raised a boy to life.
What the law was powerless to do, God could do.

Jesus in on the moutain, above my

Our eyes can look above towards Jesus, and he will come down the mountain to help.

God can show you transfiguration on the mountain, and God can show you Transformation in the valleys.

The Father of the boy had faith ever since the boy was afflicted.
The disciples were to relient on theirselves because they were sucessful, on previous events of casting out demons. And they could not cast out the demon from the boy.
Sometimes we think we surrender our problems, not to God but to church.
Sometimes we would say we pray about it, but we dont pray and just worry about it.

Sometimes we just ask the people around us about our problems, and if they can help us, we ASSUME God cant help us.

Bring that thing to Jesus.
Dont bring it to religion, dont bring it to situations.
Sometimes, in order for God to make things better in your life, he has to expose how bad The thing really is.
You cant just go to church for a "quick fix" (come to church for just a quick refresment then go back to your usual life)
U cant just make some healthy desicions, and expect everything to change.
Sometimes we trust to much in the ministry, and forget the power of God.
Relate to God not man.
We may not be possesed by a spirit now, but there may be things in our life, which are robbing us from the gifts from God.
The enemy always steals, kills and destroys.
The thing always seizes us. So what seizes us?
What guilt? What past event? What desire?
Whats our "thing" in our life?
We all have that thing.
And we pretend we dont, ESPECIALLY in Church.
The worst thing, is the things that cant be seen, and Jesus cant help UNTIL you bring that thing to Jesus.
God is BIGGER than our thing.
Jesus says, "BRING it to ME"
This thing, harms you and destroys your destiny.
We sometimes go to God, exhusted and and in desperation, we ask, "If u can do anything, have pity on us" .
The solution is, God can do ANYTHING.
"If you can do anything" thats pityful.
"I can do everything" Thats powerful!
Sometimes the thing, isnt really the thing, its our faith and trust we have in God.
The father came to Jesus asking for healing, but what he really needed was just that belief in God.

Sometimes the thing we pray for God to fix, is not the FIRST thing, because there is something more important.
Sometimes we focus too much on our thing, and not what God wants to
grow us in.

God wants to change our hearts first, before he helps us.

What is our thing, beneath our thing?

God wants to heal the generation of unbelivers.

Only until we really bring our thing to God, then all things are possible.

God needed to heal Neymens pride first.

Romans 8:28, 35

Bring that thing. To Jesus.
God wants to turn your thing, into a testimony.

Sermon link:

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