Sunday, September 21, 2014

Death by distraction

Speaker: Pastor Stephen Furtick

Title: Death by Distraction

Core verse: Matthew 13:1-23

Jesus had alot of focus

Everytime someone tries to distract Jesus, jesus will respond by putting worldly thinking behind and Gods plan in front.
John 10:10

The distractions are killing us.

1) Seeds that are Snatched

You will never know what it could have been because it was snatched.
We let the next how many times have out thoughts been snatched before it becomes helpful?
Dont let the bird, snatch the seed.

2) Seeds that are Scorched

People that are busy, but barren.
It has the appearence of life but it has no life.
Root represents commitment.
People with no root have no priority.

3) Seeds that are choked

The worries of this life.

Sometimes the things that distracts us the most, is what we think that will happen to us.

Choking on the thoughts of life.
It is when the wordly things satisfy us, thats when we start choking.
4) Seeds that are on good soil

These seeds can grow to its fullest potential, but there is an enemy.
An enemy that plants seeds of bitterness into our hearts. Seeds of distraction.

And only when we give our fullest attention to God, he will remove the weeds in our life for us.

 Sermon link:

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